Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Glee Slushie Cupcakes

I'm a gleek.

Seriously, I'm obsessed with the show, it's a little pathetic, and I don't care. The Glee season finale was on last night, so I made cupcakes. Totally normal, right?

No epic recipe today, these are box cupcakes with canned frosting. Judge me all you want, I don't care, they were still tasty! I'm just a little more "Sandra Lee" than "Martha Stewart," whatever.

Either way, we ran out of eggs. Whoops. Luckily my friend had a super-secret vegan egg substitute; 3 tbs water and 1 tbs ground flax seed for each egg. (Why they had ground flax seed and not eggs, I'll never understand!)

Sounds crazy, but mix them together, and they're kind of the same consistency as eggs, and other than looking a lot healthier, the cupcakes tasted pretty much the same! Anyone know if flax seeds are healthier than eggs?

I thought I came up with an original idea, but alas, I googled them, and plenty of people have already made Glee slushie cupcakes. Bummer I'm not unique, but it also meant that I didn't have to make the wrappers myself, luckily I found them (along with actual instructions that I didn't use at all, in case you're interested) HERE!

They're so cute, I could just smash them into someone's face!


  1. hahah yesssss why do we have flax and not eggs indeed. actually I do know that: jane and I used the last eggs in our cookies. whoops.

  2. AHHH these are fantastic! I'm so obsessed with Glee, I should be committed, but I wish I'd had these to munch on while watching and gleeking out last night - they look really good! And thanks for the egg substitute - in a house with six people, we're forever running out of eggs. Interestingly enough, I also happen to have ground flaxseed lying around...

  3. I really want cupcakes now....
